Champlain Insurance Group is an insurance enterprise, which, through its affiliates, offers excess and surplus lines insurance coverages, claims handling, and risk management solutions in niche segments where we have particular expertise. A driver of CIG’s formation was the executive team’s understanding that larger carriers were narrowing their focus to larger risks within the E&S arena, leaving many small and middle-market risks without viable market alternatives.
WestCongress Insurance Services LLC (“WCIS”), is a specialty, surplus, and excess lines insurance producer with the authority to bind primary and excess general liability insurance solutions throughout the United States for targeted small and middle market risks in the energy, artisan contractor, and security industries. WCIS was established in 2015 as an insurance producer and program administrator with a “carrier mindset.”
WestCongress Risk Services LLC is an experienced claims administrator who administers all claims arising under business bound by WCIS.
Champlain Specialty Insurance Company